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All the knowledge we are aware of is false

Updated: May 24, 2020

Just how accurate is our knowledge intake?

Education is an enormous and expansive region. To be precise, it's the method of regularly obtaining or providing instruction. Education is a vital way of gaining basic information and competences. It's more than pure book learning. They say it is an enriching and enlightening experience. One in which we know and imitate real-life reality. Definitely, education is essential in one's life. A necessity for survival. For growth. We learn how to tackle difficulties and conquer obstacles. We learn how to become an integrated individual, and keep our society perpetuated. Our entire life is the process of learning and acquiring new knowledge, whether it is useful or not.

Education is one that we have a right to. We are entitled to know the facts, the right to extend our information, the right to learn what we want without having to explain why we need to know. And this we have. Right?


“Big Brother Is Watching You.” Big Brother. Oceania 's supreme emperor, our political leader, accomplished war hero, master scientist and philosopher. His face plastered all over on coins, telescreens, and on the big posters, instilling "a sense of allegiance" but also overwhelming terror. The last time I checked, all that we did was focused on his permission and approval. It all depends on him from what we eat, drink and learn to who we talk to and how we communicate to them. He is the key and crucial factor that technically does not give us individual independence and tries instead to delegate all aspects of OUR private existence to the state authority.

We have not even challenged Big Brother’s involvement once. It's all so routinely doing what we know so that we don't land up in the misnamed ministry, the Ministry of Love. The ministry that is solely responsible for the practice and infliction of misery, terror and suffering whilst at the same time trying to accomplish its objective of instilling affection for Big Brother.

Why? What is concealed and withheld from us? Should we not have the right to free will, the right to do what we want in an acceptable and civilized manner? What is the need for history to be removed and rewritten, for all facts to be falsified, necessary and important knowledge to be updated and overhauled so that it's believable enough for the public.

No matter how astonishing or random it may seem, we do what we are told. We are compelled to assume 2 + 2=5 given its mathematically incorrectness. But if everyone believes so, it must be true.

We don't realize how the Party and Big Brother is getting inside of us, controlling our every movement, thought and action. We unwittingly feed into their lies, indoctrinating everything upon which we have grown up since birth.

Let's just take a moment and think about our children. Our offspring. A creation out of one's own flesh and blood. An individual born in the world, not realizing that happiness isn't about spying on your parents but about basking in innocence and joy. Our own children are systematically turned against us, their parents and taught to spy on our “deviations” and report them. Unconsciously, we were forced to standardize such crudeness, gore and violence, built in fact to perceive this as normal. The truth is our kids simply have become Party weapons. Our children propagandized unselfishly to bring full and suffocating force upon us, to side and defend Big Brother whenever needed.

We need to stop this. We need our lives back, our privacy, our basic necessity of free, easy to gather education and knowledge.This tied up situation where we battle using what we've learned is not right, respectable or what we should have been taught.The power and effort used to create an apparently perfect and controlled system clearly set back fueling everything we knew with hatred, violence and war.

We need our minds back. Our innocence. We need the truth. Reliable information from reliable sources. We need everything back

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