I focused on the aspect of social class and lifestyle and chose to write in the form of an opinion article. I helped in editing the website and creating the separate columns for each aspect. I peer assessed Moria's article and helped in assessing Ninoscha's, I contributed in the organization and format of the website.
1984 was an eye opening novel. It really dawned on me how our situation with the COVID-19 pandemic can be the start of our very own revolution. It often had me thinking of how the world could easily change in a blink of an eye. And seeing as how the world has evolved to where it is now, we could be witnessing a change in the world.
Reading the book was quite a task, with only relying on online PDF versions of the book which hurt my eyes a lot with it’s small font and overwhelming amount of words per chapter. However we did tend to refer to audio-books and multi-task, I usually had it playing in the background when I cleaned.
1984 allowed me to view the world in a different light. It gave me ideas and questions and theories that now make me wonder if our pandemic even truly exists. Was it just a tactic the government had placed? Is this just a way to get the population in order? It really opened my perspective and opened a window of questions that keep me company.
It was a trouble to slip in reading the book while having to study for tests and trying to come up with a draft. It was quite difficult to come up with the writing task as it was challenging for me to try and create a steady flow without suddenly breaking out into an explanation about the book. But I managed to push through.